Do you know what your doing ma’am?

I don’t know what I am doing….

I hold my hands up.

but do you?

If you do, you are a better mother than me.

When my son wants to run away from me in the street,

When he is pulling his sisters hair and won’t let go.

When my daughter won’t go in her pram and my son goes on strike and won’t stand up in the middle of the street.

I don’t know how to handle the situation.

* I try to stay calm

* I try to explain

* I try to reason with him

* I try to distract him

* And I admit I even try to bribe him with sweets.

While inside I am holding back the tears of frustration, biting my lip to stop me from shouting. I can feel the eyes staring at me. I can hear the tuts of disapproval, and feel the eyes rolling behind my back and hear the giggles, and all I want to say is…

Are you the perfect mother?

Do you have the perfect child?

If so write a bloody Instruction Manual, someone, please. I beg you.

2 thoughts on “Do you know what your doing ma’am?

  1. I do know what I’m doing.
    In theory.
    I teach childcare!
    It makes it no easier though. We just have to keep hanging on in there doing the best we can.
    I love the honesty of your post, parenting is tough. We will make mistakes but our children continue to adore us all the same.
    Hang on in there and feel no guilt over that bribery. Win, win situation that one 😉

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    1. Thank you for the kind comments Muddy mum. Parenting is hard! It’s the best, most challenging but rewarding job ever. Every good night kiss, and every excited face when they see me, every cuddle makes every tantrum worthwhile. xxx

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